Move Editor

The Pokémon Studio move editor allow you to create and edit moves!


This tutorial will be divided into 9 sections in the order of the following picture:

• 1 - Move creation button,

• 2 - Move drop-down menu,

• 3 - Move editing tab,

• 4 - Move data editing tab,

• 5 - Parameter tab,

• 6 - Characteristics tab,

• 7 - Status tab,

• 8 - Statistics modification tab,

• 9 - Show Pokémon list.

Create a move

Click on the + New Move button and this dialog will show up:

• The Name box lets you define the name of the move.

• The Description box lets you add a description of the move.

• The Type box lets you define the type of the move.

• The Category box lets you configure whether the move is "Physical" (which directly hits the opponent), "Special" (which hits the opponent from a distance) or "Status" (which does no damage).

• The Identifier box defines the db_symbol. You will refer to the move with the db_symbol when making scripts or using script commands.

Warning : the db_symbol cannot be changed.

The move drop-down menu

The drop-down menu lets you search by the name of the move, which you can enter in English or French in the search bar.

Editing move

Clicking on move name shows this dialog:

It's essentially the same as creating a move but without the identifier box.

Move data

When you click on the data box, this dialog shows up:

• The Power box lets you modify the move's power, i.e. the basis for calculating the damage inflicted.

• The Accuracy box is used to modify the precision of the move. An accuracy of 100 means that the attack will never miss.

• The Power Point box lets you manage the basic PP of your move.

• The Critical rate box lets you manage the percentage chance that your move will score a critical hit. The rate can range from 0% (will never inflict a critical hit) to 100% (will always inflict a critical hit). For information, basic move have a critical hit rate of 6.25%.

• The Secondary effect box lets you manage the percentage chance that the move will trigger a secondary effect, such as burning the target (e.g. Flamethrower has a 10% chance of burning the opponent) or modifying a caster's statistic (e.g. Steel Wing has a 10% chance of increasing the caster's Defense by one level). The secondary effects produced by the attack are managed in the Characteristics and Status interfaces.

• The Priority box allows you to increase the priority of your move, on a scale from -7 to 5. If you set it to 0, your move will have standard priority. If you set it to 5, it will take precedence over all other moves (e.g. Extreme Speed). Conversely, an attack at -7 will be launched after all the others (e.g.: Distortion).

• The Common event box lets you set the ID of an RPG Maker event that will be triggered when the move is used outside of battle (e.g. Cut or Sweet scent). This also requires the move to be configured in the RPG Maker DB.


Clicking on Settings shows this dialog:

• The Target box is used to define the Pokémon to be aimed. This could, for example, be the user of the move, a random Pokémon in the field, or everyone else.

• The Procedure box is used to tell the move what to do (e.g. number of hits, inflict a status, change a statistic, etc.).

• The Function box connects to the Procedure box. In this box, you'll find complex moves that require a script from the Studio DB to work, and which can't simply be set up via Studio.


Clicking on Characteristics box will show this dialog

In this dialog you are able to enable various flags about the move:

• Makes contact - this move causes physical contact with the target,

• Long-range move - if this move makes contact, the effects caused by contact are cancelled,

Blocked by Protect - this move will fail if the target has used a "protect"-like move (one using s_protect class)

Ignores Substitute - this move will go through a substitute, and go directly to the target,

King's Rock utility - if the user is holding a "King's Rock" a move with this characteristic will have an 10% increased chance to cause the target to flinch.

Reflected by Magic Coat - if the target previously used a "magic coat"-like move (one using s_magic_coat class) this move will get reflected back at the user,

Copied by Mirror Move - this move can be copied by a "mirror move"-like move (one using s_mirror_move class)

Snatchable - this move will get used by someone on the field if they use a "snatch"-like move (one using s_snatch class) instead of the user,

Mental effects - this move applies mental effects (attract, encore, taunt, torment, heal_block, or disable) and should have Mental Herb, and MentalImmunityBase ability functionalities,

Has a charging turn - this move requires a turn to charge before it will be used (ex: Solar Beam),

Must recharge - this move requires a turn to recharge after it has been used (ex: Hyper Beam)

Sound-based - this move doesn't effect creatures with the Soundproof ability, is effected by the throat_chop effect, has it's type changed to Water-type when used by a creature with the Liquid Voice ability, has a 30% damage boost when used by a creature with the Punk Rock ability, and should consume a Throat Spray if held and boost the creature's Special Attack by one stage (ex: Boomburst).

Slice attack - this move has a 50% damage boost when used by creatures with the Sharpness ability (ex: Air Slash),

Jaw-based - this move has a 50% damage boost when used by creatures with the Strong Jaw ability (ex: Thunder Fang),

Ballistic-based - this move doesn't effect creatures with the Bulletproof ability (ex: Bullet Seed),

Pulse-based - this move has a 50% damage boost when used by creatures with the Mega Launcher ability, healing moves have a 75% boost when used by creatures with the Mega Launcher ability (ex: Dark Pulse),

Punch-based - this move has a 20% damage boost when used by a creature with the Iron Fist ability, when holding a Punching Glove these moves do not make direct contact and get a 10% damage boost (ex: Thunder Punch),

Powder-based - this move will fail if the target is holding Safety Goggles, is Grass-type, or has the Overcoat ability (ex: Poison Powder),

Wind-based - this move will charge a creature that has the Wind Power ability, and does not effect creatures with the Wind Rider ability,

Dance - this move will trigger creatures on the field that have the Dancer ability (ex: Sword Dance),

Defrosts when used - this move will cause the user to thaw out if they were frozen (ex: Flame Wheel),

Heals - this move has a healing effect and should be blocked by things like Heal Block, this move will have its priority boosted by creatures with Triage ability,

Unusable during Gravity - this move cannot be used during Gravity (ex: Fly),

Unusable during Sky Battle - this move cannot be used during a Sky Battle (ex: Dig)


Clicking on Status box shows this dialog:

• The Status 1 box lets you set a status inflicted by the move, such as burn, sleep, fear, etc.

• The Chance box lets you set the percentage chance that the move will inflict the status compared to the other additional status the move can inflict.

You can assign up to 3 statuses to each move (e.g. Tri-Attack can burn, paralyze or freeze the target).


When clicking on the Statistics tab, this dialog shows up:

In this dialog, you can define the stats modifications applied to the user and/or the target of the move. A positive value will increase the statistic by the same number of levels; a negative value will decrease it by the same number.

Show Pokémon list

When you click on Show Pokémon list this page shows up:

This let you know which Pokémon knows this move based on the learning reason.