Ghosts of Knowledge: Kensho
The Jam version is currently one and half hours to two hours long in playtime.
You've joined a group of explorers drilling their way down into the earth below when suddenly, their machines begin to fall through the air, eventually crash landing into a mysterious underground desert!
Separated from your crew, you begin to discover the elusive secrets and frightening origins behind the world lost beneath the sand...
Create paths, discover secrets, and capture new forms of Pokémon that only exist in the ancient world of sand!

Game Download
- Obtainable Regional Forms of various Pokémon
- A ton of partner trainers
- A unique take on the Pokémon formula with an emphasis on exploration
- Open-ended game where you can progress at your own pace
- New mechanics such as the Move Bank system and team-wide EXP gain (similar to PL: Arceus)
- An EXP boost across the board for defeating bosses and training new Pokémon
- A variety of unique boss fights and mechanics hidden throughout the desert
- Unique puzzles and riddles spread across the desert in the form of fortresses
- A world that opens up quickly as you unlock more jewels, items, and tools
Known Issues
- Progression and enjoyment is currently very up to player taste. Some people do very fine in completing the game and some get stuck very easily. We've taken feedback and will try to implement features that will compliment and guide all types of players, old and new. If you're struggling, it's not your fault.
- Some key features are missing due to the time crunch, but the game is still very playable.
- Currently, some moves have the text description of "Do not use this move etcetc". Ignore that, as most moves work fine. The text has been copied from Generation 8, but functionally the moves work. We will manually rewrite the descriptions at a later date, we simply do not have the time during jam.
- There's nothing in the game that explains that the Trainer Card is how you keep track of your Golden Diamonds. (FIXED IN 4.0 DOWNLOAD)
- Audio mixing is an issue due to time constraints.
Jam Team
- Ranko
- Ned
- Gray
- Brysoon
Mew's Gen 4 Interior Tiles: Used the chair for the escape pod inside
Base Tileset for Oasis/Jungle/Caves
- Flurmimon
- Kyle-Dove some beach tiles, the mushroom, the grass nearby the mushroom, lilypads and bigger mangrove tree
- WesleyFG the smaller swamp trees are from Light Platinum
- TheDeadHeroAlistar one of his trees, which I made it smaller
- Pokémon Procyon & Deneb a japanese hack, it's one of my main inspirations, hence the first trees and the small palm trees
- TheWolfGalaxy for his amazing shield tiles, so I've tried to make my one in his style
- Gaia Project inspiration for the HGSS!grass tiles, bridge, river and HGSS!way tiles
- Pokémon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire Whirlpool tile
- Evolina base for high mountains
- Advance Tileset bridge shape, way tiles and berry field base
Volcano Tiles: Hek
- Magiscarf
- WesleyFG
- SailorVicious (Formerly known as Heavy-Metal-Lover)
- Shawn Frost
- NSora-96
- PeekyChew
- Kyle-Dove
- Minorthreat0987
- The-Red-Ex
- UltimoSpriter
- TyranitarDark
- DarkDragonn
- rafa-cac
- Phyromatical
- Alucus
- Newtiteuf
- ChaoticCherryCake
- moca
Pokémon Legends Arceus: Obsidian Fieldlands, Dangerous Pokémon Alert
Ghost Trick: Chicken Paradise
I Am Setsuna: Victory Theme
Battle! Wild Pokémon (Legends Arceus Arrange): ZameJack
Sealed Chamber - Remastered: ZameJack
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Battle A1
Shin Megami Tensei V: Magatsuka Battle, Amanozako Theme, Bethel
Shin Megami Tensei V: Fairy Village slowed by Dark Samurai
Pokemon Colosseum/Gale of Darkness - Relic Forest Remix: Kamex
Gym Leader, E4, and Champs PSS Icons: Referenced for portraits
Pokemon Oras: Buzznav People: Edited for portraits
Trainer Mugshots: Edited for portraits
Battle Backgrounds v.2: Edited the sand background to fit PSDK.
Maractus Overworld Sprite: Used in the overworld of Blasted Ruins
Overworld Collection: Used as a reference for Vivienne.
SpriteMight Fog Resources and Tutorial: Used resource
Cerulean Cave Location Preview: Used in intro, from Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Tower of Hats Resource Pack: Used Battle UI Assets
Generation 8 Project: needs citation
Heliolisk Back Sprites: Obtainable Pokemon
Gen 7 Back Sprites (DS-Style):
- leparagon
- Z-nogyroP
- zlolxd
- elazulmax
- mangamanga
- VanillaSunshine
A Beach Background: Edited for Oasis battle background
Concept Arts
Gaia Sneasel + Weavile: Created sprites, graphics, and metadata off the concept art (Sprites by blackburn789)
Ancient Hippopotas + Hippowdon: Created sprites, graphics, and metadata off the concept art (Sprites by blackburn789)
Ancient Skorupi + Drapion: Created sprites, graphics, and metadata off the concept art (Sprites by blackburn789)
Ancient Toxel + Toxtricity: Created sprites, graphics, and metadata off the concept art (Sprites by blackburn789)
Ancient Zubat + Golbat + Crobat: Created sprites, graphics, and metadata off the concept art (Sprites by blackburn789)
Ancient Terrakion: Created sprites, graphics, and metadata off the concept art (Sprites by blackburn789)
Ancient Virizion: Created sprites, graphics, and metadata off the concept art (Sprites by blackburn789)
Ancient Cobalion: Created sprites, graphics, and metadata off the concept art (Sprites by blackburn789)
Ancient Chansey: Created sprites and graphics off the concept art (Battle Sprite by blackburn789)
This game has been made using Pokémon SDK. Click on that text to check the credits of Pokémon SDK